I was not looking forward the summer...not at all. And now, I stand on the other side of it...stand mind you...and I see how blessed I have been throughout the past few months.
Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.
~Matthew 5:4
~Matthew 5:4
I have been comforted by friends and family and I can't tell you how much this means to me. You all have encouraged me to trust God deeper and to let go in ways I never imagined before. Thank you.
Thank you, Mom and Dad, for unconditionally welcoming me home, praying for me, and cheering me on.
Thank you, Lys, for late nights, honest words, and playing with my hair until all the tears ran out.
Thank you, Jim, for telling me that my safety was more important than anything...I felt so cared for that day.
Thank you, Josh and Amber, for walking through it with me and unselfishly sharing your love during your own time of celebrations.
Thank you, Kim. You have been a gift straight from the Lord. I'm so thankful our last names start with a T...and so thankful for such a loyal friend.
Thank you, school family...you don't even know that you have encouraged me beyond words.
Thank you, Gina, for not letting me stay down...we're making it to the other side. :)
Thank you, Andrea, for being my friend and making sure that all was well.
Thank you, to my new Nashville friends for welcoming me into your midst...I really needed you!
Thank you, Ang, for being my friend through the years. I love coming home to our friendship.
Thank you, Holly, for your boldness, your laughter, and your joy. I have missed you!
Thank you, Jenna, for kayaking and walks on the canal, campfires and late nights on the phone.
Thank you, Pete and Aaron, for building the campfire and building homes that bring God's love to so many people.
Thank you, Beth, for taking me in and being my home away from home. Thank you for schooling me in bananagrams and in the best way to write thank you notes. :) I love you, heart sister.
Thank you, Matthew, for sushi, gelato, paninis, and every single text that has brightened my day.
Thank you, Mrs. B, for every word of encouragement you have sent me.
Thank you, Mr. and Mrs. V., for Apt. B and your prayers and for being available to take care of so many of us Sweet Aroma kids.
Thank you, PJ,...for being right on time and reminding me that I am loved.
Thank you, Jen and Wen,...for being sensitive to the Lord and for humoring my love for list making. :) Just wait...until we look back and see how good God has been.
Thank you, Mick and Beth, Angela and Will, for inviting me in to see the beautiful families you are creating. It gives me hope. I'm so thankful for your friendships.
Thank you, Jilli, for everything. Your friendship has blessed my life.
Thank you, Mike, for loving Jilli so well and for taking us camping!
Thank you, Zoe, for radically chasing the Lord and showing us all how to fight for the good stuff. Please also thank Zech for his Free.99 advice. :)
Thank you, Angela, for making sure we keep coming together. I love our sleepovers. Thank you for listening and advising. Thank you for sticking up for me. Thank you for your note of recommendation. ;) Your friendship means the world to me.
Thank you, Hezkhel, for being my friend unconditionally. You bless my heart.
Thank you, Karin, for being so strong. Everything goes to the feet of Jesus. ;)
Thank you, Nanette and Eric. You are so consistent and available...so loving and encouraging.
Thank you, America and Billy. You both are so full of love and encouragement.
Thank you Mindy, Julie, and Danae. I can't tell you how much your words and notes of encouragement have meant to me.
Thank you, Trina, for meeting with me for coffee. It meant so much to me.
Thank you to my grandparents who keep me going back to my roots. I'm reminded of where I came from...and it's a good place.
Thank you facebook friends...lol...you can be very encouraging even when you least expect it.
Thank you Andrew Peterson, Kelanie Gloeckler, and Kristene Mueller for singing songs of redemption in a very new season of life.
I would also like to thank the persons who asked me to dance, who took me to dinner, who listened to my songs, who called and texted just to make my day...I think God sent you just so I didn't forget what LIFE felt like again.
Proverbs 14:10 says: Each heart knows its own bitterness, and no one else can share its joy. There has been much bitterness...but as days pass and refreshing waters and winds pass through them...I am beginning to believe that it will all soon end in joy. I don't know how...or when...but I see how God has carried me...continues to carry me...and I know now that He is good.
I thought He was angry with me. I thought I had done too many things wrong. But He was always working. He gathered me up...took me home to so many places...surrounded me with love...and comforted me when I had come to the very end of everything. Laughter is beginning to color my days...I am seeing humor in everything. There is more joy now than there has ever been. Amazing.
I could go on and on in thankfulness.
Thank you, Lord Jesus...for not leaving me in despair...for strengthening me when I have been weak...for giving me hope for the future.