Monday, July 10

Living it up in St. Augustine

Beth and I are very proud to say that we have graduated from the oldest schoolhouse in America.
Yeah. We know.
The crew. Photo-op after church.

*All photography credit goes to Beth our vacation photographer.
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Bethany said...

Hehehe, kinda funny that you give me props for the photos when I'm in two of them and it's quite clear I didn't take them. I'd like to share a third of the proppage to the Peej and a third of the proppage to the random girl at church who took our picture. I'll keep the last third. :o)

83princess said...

HEY!!! I know that guy in the light blue t-shirt!! And all 3 of the girls...come to think of it, I know all of them.
Hope you guys are having a great time!
Talk to you later.