My grandpa sent me a valentine this week. I felt so special. Inside the valentine card, he put article clippings of teacher salaries in NY. When I called to thank him he said (in a joking sort of way), "So it doesn't make you want to move back to NY?" Aw, grandpa wants me to move back home. He signed it from both him and gram...but I knew it was his idea to send the card. This is probably the first valentine where I didn't feel as if it was just another holiday and just another grandparent's joyful obligation. He meant what he said.
ps-I woke up to flowers and the most beautiful card on the counter this morning...thanks mom and dad. You make me feel special too.
Am I sad that I am single on this holiday? No way. Because love is for all year...and showing love is something I am not so great at doing on schedule. I am better at giving random gifts for really good reasons. I am better and calling and hugging and holding and serving when the moment is just right and calls for a step to be taken. Schedule a holiday and I might disappoint you. Ask me for friendship and I will love you forever.
Happy Valentines Day friends and family. Thank God we are where we are today. Thank God that He is faithful to love us EVERY day.
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