Tuesday, May 13

What If?

Last year we had an outside organization come in to teach our class about embryology. They set us up with the whole project. In the midst of the first lesson the teacher told the children that he did not accept "what if" questions. He thought them a waste of time. In his eyes, too much time and energy was spent on imagination, rather than learning the bare bones and facts about chicks and how they hatch. And at the time I thought, "how clever", he found a way to take all the rabbit trails out of the lesson.

Well, about two weeks ago an author came to the school and broke this theory into a million little pieces. I asked her where she found her inspiration to write. I asked because so many of my own students get writer's block. I wanted them to hear how to come up with ideas. Right away, she shared that she plays the "what if" game. She put value on that statement...saying that it was the most powerful question we could ask. If we could ask "what if", anything was and is possible.

Well, there is a scripture that God is able to do exceedingly and abundantly above and beyond all that we could ask, think, imagine.

So, I have discarded the first lesson in "what if" and I have graduated to a new level. "What if" has become my new favorite question.

Which leads me to the next point...it's time to start asking the "what if" questions.

What if ....

What if there was a reason to smile again?

What if there was a reason to hope for more?

What if there really is more to the story?

What if God really loves you?

What if you could be healed of cancer?

What if AIDS was curable?

What if someone could be raised from the dead?

What if you could be free from your addiction?

What if you didn't have to face the torment in your mind any longer?

What if the organ you needed showed up in your body without an operation?

What if your debts were forgiven?

What if you could find peace?

What if your family came back together?

What if you found a purpose?

What if you found a reason for living?

What if your prayers were answered?

Even just in this past month, these things are happening. And the list is longer than just this. A boy was dead for 15 minutes after an accident, was prayed over and came back to life without any brain damage. Another person was dead in a morgue, was prayed over by their family, and came back to life. It's happening around the world. It's happening in our country. Cancer is disappearing. Addictions are leaving. Mental distress is lifting. Families are coming together. Hope is being restored. Hearts are turning to God.

We've had enough of religion. We've had enough of empty promises. We've had enough of being peddled for money. We've had enough of the haughty eyes of those who look down on the less fortunate souls who have not darkened the doorwarys of a church building. Enough.

But there is another church rising up. A hungry church, a desperate church. A church who is crying out for a God of power. A God who reaches out and touches His people. A God who answers prayer. A God who embraces. A God who paid the price so that His children did not have to.

What if you are hungry?

What if you are desparate?

What if what you have reached for was not quite satisfying enough?

What if there is more?

What if God touched your life?

What if you asked Him to?

And what if He does?

Something new is in the air. Something we may have only heard about in stories in other countries, times, and peoples. It's about to become real in our own lives. It's about to visit our homes and our families. He is coming. God is ready to visit us again. And not just to give us whatever we desire...not just to make our lives less complicated...but just to tell us that He loves us...just to win over our hearts...to draw us close and tell us that He is not angry, or distant, or disinterested.

If we would only turn to Him...pour out our hearts to Him...tell Him that we need Him. If only we would ask Him to come. If only we would run in His direction. He would run to us. He would wrap us in His arms. He would move mountains and change our lives.

It's happening...it may not look the way you think it would...but it is....check out these articles and websites and see for yourself...people from all over the world are flocking to Florida...and this is only the beginning:


Revival Article

Watch Live @ 10am and 7pm...or watch clips anytime


Amy said...

For many months I have felt this hunger and increased desire to experience more of the Lord in even our services in my church. It is happening everywhere. God is calling our bluff and is expecting us to get serious or get out of the way.

It hurts my heart to read all of the skepticism in the comments section of the articles. It's very sad that people are so judgmental that they allow Satan to use them as a tool to keep from being reached by the Lord.

April said...

Amy, I agree. Skepticism is everywhere. But I think even the skeptics are hungry. Just wait until even they cannot deny God's power...that will be the day. :)

Phoenix said...

But then, is it really good to live in "what ifs"?

April said...

I suppose it depends on the context of the situation. I suppose it depends on perspective. But really and truly, at the heart of it all, I think the possibilities are often downplayed by habit, prior experiences, and the practicality of living day to day. I think it's good to get outside the box...our world would not be the same had it not been for the people who simply asked, "what if?". After all...isn't that at the heart of invention and initiative and creativity?