Saturday, February 7

Returning the Gift

I know, I's been awhile.  I'm working on a whole new site....we'll see when it gets  For the past two or three months I have tried to sit down and write....tried to get something out on paper...and it has been difficult.  Sometimes the workings are so deep it takes time for the words to rise to the surface.  I think I need to start writing more.  I think it is the thing that makes me come alive inside.  I told my class at the beginning of the year..."Class, I LOVE writing and I can't wait to teach you how to become a writer."  It is now their favorite subject.  They will write pages and pages while other teachers are complaining about not being able to get their students to sit down and write for 15 minutes.  But just as my personal writing has been neglected, I am sad to say it has been put on the backburner with us for awhile as well.  I know there's more.  For me and for them.  So, all that to say...I'm going to try to come back online...and use the gift God has given me.

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