Saturday, January 30


The Fray

Happiness is just outside my window
Would it crash blowing 80-miles an hour?
Or is happiness a little more like knocking
On your door, and you just let it in?

Happiness feels a lot like sorrow
Let it be, you can't make it come or go
But you are gone- not for good but for now
Gone for now feels a lot like gone for good

Happiness is a firecracker sitting on my headboard
Happiness was never mine to hold
Careful child, light the fuse and get away
‘Cause happiness throws a shower of sparks

Happiness damn near destroys you
Breaks your faith to pieces on the floor
So you tell yourself, that's enough for now
Happiness has a violent roar

Happiness is like the old man told me
Look for it, but you'll never find it all
Let it go, live your life and leave it
Then one day, wake up and she'll be home
Home, home, home

Friday, January 29

Hope Fulfilled

Snow is currently covering the ground outside my window. There will be new layers throughout the day. I am so happy about my gives me the freedom to enjoy such a blessed weather event. I got to sleep in this morning, play my guitar, read, talk to God, write to my family and friends. I am still acclimating to this the realization of answered the sight and sound of all things new.

Just recently, someone said to me, "Do not doubt in the darkness what you have seen in the light". And now that I have walked through such darkness, trying desperately to cling to hope, it seems that the light is breaking through everywhere. Proverbs 13:12 ~Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life. Don't give up hope today...whoever you are...God is still writing your story.

Frodo: I can’t do this, Sam.

Sam: I know. It’s all wrong. By rights we shouldn’t even be here. But we are. It’s like in the great stories, Mr. Frodo. The ones that really mattered. Full of darkness and danger, they were. And sometimes you didn’t want to know the end. Because how could the end be happy? How could the world go back to the way it was when so much bad had happened?

But in the end, it’s only a passing thing, this shadow. Even darkness must pass. A new day will come. And when the sun shines it will shine out the clearer.

Those were the stories that stayed with you. That meant something, even if you were too small to understand why.

But I think, Mr. Frodo, I do understand. I know now. Folk in those stories had lots of chances of turning back, only they didn’t. They kept going. Because they were holding on to something.

Frodo: What are we holding onto, Sam?

Sam: That there’s some good in this world, Mr. Frodo… and it’s worth fighting for.

"Lord of the Rings"

Saturday, January 23

More or Less

I search for meaning in the midst of notes and lyrics. Personal meaning...some kind of connection, some kind of knowing, some kind of message that someone understands and that it's all going to be okay. In the midst of a great song...I know myself better, maybe I know God better, maybe I know someone else a little bit more. I know I'm not alone in this. So, as a writer, this leaves me feeling a great responsibility to also write my own material from a place of truth and depth. What can be better than to create a connection that will carry far beyond myself? What can be better than helping others to know something they didn't know before, or at least place their finger on something they couldn't quite find the words to.

But, if there is anything I have learned from living in Nashville for the past year, in relation to following "the dream", it is this: I don't want to perform in order to make a name for myself. I have no desire to allow the songs to dictate to me where I should show up on any given night in order to play so that I can be that I can share more that I can gain some kind of meaning and significance of a life that looks way more spectacular than being a real live, down-to-earth person. I just want to play. I want it to be real. I want it to be an overflow of a heart that is truly alive and truly in relationship with the master Creator and songwriter.

I don't think I'm there yet. And the songs have grown quiet. Not because I want them to, but because I am not sure if they mean something. Are there new songs to sing? Is there a reason I have been given this gift, other than the reasons I have already seen? Where is the line between building my own kingdom and building for the God that I love so much? I don't want to live for seems so empty.

I am so thankful for the gift of song. I love the journey of words and the way it begins to blend with the melody. I love hearing a completed effort and feeling the joy of knowing that something beautiful came across the strings of my guitar...feeling that it had very little to do with me and very much to do with Him.

I love sharing this gift. I love singing a song for someone at just the right moment. I love sitting with a group of people and pouring out a lesson I have learned, guitar in hand, heart wide open. Some of the most beautiful moments have come in the quietest of places, with the most unlikely audiences, and with words and notes written long before the present, but just exactly for the moment that I find myself in.

When I began to play, way back in the day (haha), it was in times of complete wonder, complete acceptance, complete humility, complete reliance. I learned how to play by worshiping God. He is the reason I sing. He is the reason I pour out my heart in song. I don't ever want to forget this. I don't ever want to take it for granted. If I only played behind closed doors in my room for the rest of my life, it would be long as I knew that it was authentic and real. As long as I knew I wasn't selling out...wasn't trying to meet the expectations of people and places and myself for wanting to be known.

Just a lot of thoughts tonight. I'm on a journey...of song...and I have no idea what that means. Sometimes I am chasing it...sometimes I feel that it chases me. I am 30...I have written more than 20 songs at this point both finished and not...and I don't know what to do with them. I don't know where to take them. I have them, in my hands...along with papers that need to be graded, and relationships that need to be mended, and places I would very much like to go. And I am it will all work out. Because I don't want to waste what I've been given...I don't want to come to the end and see that I could have done more or that I should have done less.

I will end with this quote that I read tonight in Beth Moore's study on the book of Daniel:

"The need for identity and a sense of significance is as human as our DNA. We begin this search in pursuit of ourselves only to arrive sorely disappointed. Cavernously empty. The honest sojourner cannot stop there no matter how high he's climbed or what position he's attained. If he does, he will forfeit his soul. In search of truth, he is driven beyond himself until all he finds is God. And in bowing down, he is lifted up...

Only in the reflecting pool of a poured-out life can a man finally see who he is."

And what do you benefit if you gain the whole world but are yourself lost or destroyed? ~Luke 9:25

Thursday, January 14

Subtle Lies

It all started this morning on the way to work...well, no, maybe it was on facebook last night...but the real fuel came as I drove to work listening to three morning dj's arguing about Pat Robertson's comments. And I had to say something...hence, the 7:15 am blog below. And 30 minutes later the kids came into my classroom and I still felt agitated. This is the first time all week, I had felt fired up and it was noticeable to me. And I realized...I needed to calm down. But all I wanted to do was join in the argument, tell what I saw, tell people to stop arguing and come down off their high horses...and that's when I realized...

that I too had fallen prey to the enemy.

My peace was gone, I wanted to fight, wanted to prove my point...and I had gone from feeling compassion for the Haitian people to feeling the need to convince people to stop fighting and slandering.

And for the rest of the day I have had to find my way back to hearing the Lord. And so, somehow, I am going to try to convey what I feel is on my heart tonight, and I hope you will hear it and it will somehow make sense.

The way of the enemy is to take a little bit of the truth and turn it into a lie. It's how all rumors begin. It's how small misunderstandings grow into large separations. It happened in the Garden of Eden when the serpent tricked Eve and it is happening through the present day. Imagine a lie...wrapped beautifully in a truth that might seem so good and easy to swallow...and then opened by an unsuspecting person caught off guard...when the fallout happens, who gets blamed?

Why do bad things happen to good people? Why are there wars? Why are there natural disasters? Why are innocent people hurt at the hands of murderers and rapists? Why doesn't God stop them? Why doesn't He protect them from ever getting into that situation?

I submit to you this: we all have a choice.

We have a choice because there is a God who wants our love...not our blind and forced submission. Hence 2 trees in the Garden of Eden...a choice of life or death. Hence, a God who longs for a relationship with people, but who will not force it upon them. And this freedom, of choice, has given men and women everywhere free reign to do whatever they please, whenever the please. This Earth is quite a mess isn't it? But in the midst of it all, there is a God who is working to save and redeem as many people as He can. There is a God who is working to rescue the hearts of those who will choose to believe Him.

The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance. ~2 Peter 3:9

I admit to the fact that I and so many Christians, who have not known how to answer, who have lacked any kind of tact, who have bought into some kind of lie, and/or who have not known the true love of God and are walking in legalism and fear...have given answers that are less than perfect. But I also know this:

We have an enemy. There is a real Satan. There is a real hell. Did you know he used to live in Heaven? Did you know that he would love nothing more than to keep you and I from getting there? And so what will he do to keep us from getting there? Anything...and that includes causing us to doubt that God is loving, and kind, and good. That includes dividing friends, family, and strangers in accusation and misunderstanding as we try desperately to define God to each other.


God is not waiting around to punish people. He is not waiting to use His hammer on people who don't follow Him. He created the world...He created us...He LOVES us. Why in the world would He want to curse us...destroy us...tear our lives apart because we didn't choose Him?

"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. ~John 3:16

Let me reiterate:
  • Because God is good and perfect, He cannot allow sin in His presence.
  • Sin can be defined as anything that brings death to our lives, to our hearts, to the lives of others...anything that destroys love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Galatians 5:22-25
  • If God allowed sin, it would be like saying that all the bad things that happen are no big deal. And is that true? NO WAY! Of course they're a big deal...why do we cry out from the depths of our hearts and say, "Why, God, why?!" Why are we so dissatisfied with the things that are broken? Because it wasn't meant to be this way.
  • God hates sins because it destroys us...and God wants us to LIVE! So He sent us a way out of death. He gave us a way not to die. He gave us a ticket out of hell. The ticket's name is Jesus. And Jesus, through His death and resurrection, destroyed the power of sin.

So, here comes Pat Robertson, telling us that in the recorded history of Haiti they made a pact with Satan in order to win a battle, and that since then, they have lived under a curse which has caused great poverty for the nation.

I have talked to people who have visited Haiti...voodoo and witchcraft are rampant in this nation. You can feel the darkness as you walk the streets...literally hear the voodoo chants in the middle of the night. Poverty has been highly visible for years and years. I listened to an interview with one of Haiti's ambassadors today...he said, "well, any pact that has been made between Haiti and the devil also affects America..because America received land out of this as well." He did not deny it.

And so here is what people think Pat Robertson is saying....that GOD has put a curse on Haiti because of their sin. But that IS NOT what he said. See the lie? Do you see it? Do you see how subtle? Everyone is going around saying, "Oh, he's saying God has cursed them? How awful! How indignant! How self-righteous!" And he did not say that at all.

He said, and please forgive me for the paraphrase here, but he said that they agreed to put themselves into the hands of the devil in order to win a battle with the French. Whoah...who in their right minds would do such a thing, right? How could this even be true? But, what if it is true? Because WHO is our enemy? Who wants to take us out? Who wants to destroy our lives? Who causes poverty and ruin? The very being and power that the historical reports are claiming they handed their lives over to. Was it these exact people who have felt the devastation of the earthquake? No, probably not. But hear me out. There is a very real spiritual world at work that we do not see with our eyes. There are dark, spiritual strongholds over nations that need to be broken. There are people still in bondage, messing with voodoo and witchcraft, playing with the dark forces. They are paying the price, and these people need to be freed. They need our prayers! They need us to stop parading around in our so-called "love" clothing...recognize that the enemy is destroying lives, get down in the dirt on our knees and pray prayers that bring healing and restoration! We need to pray from a perspective of truth.

For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. ~Ephesians 6:12

And yes, we need to clothe the naked. Yes, we need to feed the hungry. We need to rebuild the broken walls. ( Isaiah 58 ) And at the same time, we need to pray...with fervor, in spirit and in truth, with the knowledge that our war is NOT against flesh and blood, but against dark spiritual forces who are working to take us out.

God DID NOT curse Haiti. And neither did Pat Robertson. He may not have all the tact in the world, but he certainly is acting out of compassion by sending millions of dollars worth of relief aid and probably praying more than you or I have even begun to. That being said, God wants to redeem the people of this country out of love for them. He wants to rescue them from the hands of the enemy that they have put themselves into. There is a war going on for them. (And by the way this can be said for every person in the world.) And just walking around saying that we Christians have enough "love" in and of ourselves by sending a $25 donation and a few water bottles is lopsided and unbalanced. We must be aware of what is really going on. We must also speak the truth in love (Colossians 1:6); the truth being that God loves them and wants to heal them and set them free so that they can really live. And of course, with tact, and of course with gentleness, and of course with the leading of the Spirit. We must fight for them both with our prayers and with our hands.

Satan wants us to blame God for the curses and the bad things that happen...he wants us to question each other's motives with pointing fingers and misguided accusations. He wants to takes our eyes off of what is really going on...he wants to destroy us.

God, help us to know your love, help us to walk in your that we can live...and lead others to find life as well.

For this reason I kneel before the Father, from whom his whole family in heaven and on earth derives its name. I pray that out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you with power through his Spirit in your inner being, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith. And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the saints, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge—that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.
~Ephesians 3:14-19

Pat Robertson's Comments on Haiti

Alright, I've heard about enough. It disappoints me greatly when Christians are basing their personal opinions on the media...the same media that chooses to slander the Christian religion as much as possible. Instead of slandering each other, let's get a little understanding. All people are going to do is say, "See, they're at it again...hating each other, causing misunderstandings, etc."

Haiti is in crisis. Let's remember that today and do something about it.

There is a very real spiritual world at work around us.

There is a devil who seeks to control and devastate our lives. He wants to steal, kill, and destroy every good thing that God longs for us to have.

There is a God who LOVES His creation and wants to redeem it.

Let's be people of redemption and stop allowing the media to control which way we are pointing our fingers. You know that's satan's strategy right? Divide and conquer? If he can get us to keep fighting with each other, then we won't turn to look and see that satan himself is the REAL enemy.

Get some understanding this morning, before getting angry. Click on the link below to read what's really going on.
Statement Regarding Pat Robertson's Comments on Haiti

For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. ~Ephesians 6:12

Monday, January 11

The 'I Am' Over Your 'Was'

My good friend, who happens to work right next door to me, has given me a resource this week that has brought me so much encouragement. When the battle in our minds is raging, when life seems so overwhelming, when our whole being seems to be crying out for answers and peace, it is time to surround ourselves with God's words of truth and life. I pulled out my sketchbook tonight (I have had a picture in my mind for the past two days; begging to be placed on paper) and watched a four-part series called: The 'I Am' Over Your 'Was' by Beth Moore. You can find many of her series at the link I posted...but the thing that moved me to tears tonight was Part 4. I pray that you will be as encouraged as I was. God is working...always.

This is only about a 10-15 minute clip. Fast forward about a centimeter and Beth Moore will begin speaking.

Sunday, January 10

To Love or Not to Love

So Journey, the church I have been attending, just began a new course called "The Story Arc". For the next 10 weeks we will engage in a dialogue on Sunday nights about the Bible as it unfolds. The great part about this is that anyone, at any time, is asked to speak out a question or an observation about the text. We're not allowed to veer outside of the story and debate other theological issues or how they would relate. We can only comment on what the story tells us. So tonight, a room full of about 150 people joined with Pastor Jamie and talked about Adam and Eve and the story of creation and what this story tells us about who God is, and who we are.

And although I have heard this story since childhood, there were many things that stuck out to me...a lot of questions I had never thought of before. And we weren't allowed to take notes! It was only for talking and listening tonight. haha So, that is a very freeing thing, but I wanted to come home and write down a few things that I heard that were important to me...leading to maybe one very important thing.

God is good, and perfect, and right. Everything He does is good and perfect and right. He has created the world and everything in it...and He has called it "very good".

God created the angels, before creating the world. One of the angels rebelled (Satan) which lead to the rebellion of many of the angels. And because God is good and perfect, and He cannot allow sin in his presence (rebellion is sin), those angels who rebelled were cast into darkness.

Then, God created the earth and he made man, "Adam", in his image...he breathed life into Adam, and gave him the job of caring for the Garden and naming the animals. And in the midst of this, God knew that it was not good for Adam to be alone, but all through the garden, there was no creature compatible with Adam. So He created Eve to be Adam's helper. God knew what loneliness was. Hmm. He created relationship so that loneliness would not occur. Eve was created to be a helper suitable to Adam...God brought her to him. Then, God told them to be fruitful and multiply (ahem..we know what that means.)

And then, God walked with Adam and the cool of the day...and talked with them. We speculated tonight about how casual that very much like a relationship it was. God enjoyed talking with Adam and Eve. Adam and Eve enjoyed their time with Him.

God placed two trees in the center of the Garden. One was the tree of life. The other, a tree of the knowledge of good and evil. He told them they could eat of anything in the Garden...except for the "tree of the knowledge of good and evil". Eating of it, would lead to death. God gave them a choice. Hmmm. He let them decide.

And as we all know, the serpent came and talked Eve into trying the fruit. He mixed truth with his cunning speech...saying, "surely, you will not die...God knows that if you eat of this you will be like Him...knowing about good and evil". So...she ate it. She chose the words of the serpent...over the words of God. She had let the serpent convince her that God was holding out on her, that He was keeping something from her, that she should find a way to know what only God knew. And that caused me to ask the many times have I ignored what God asked me to order to do something I thought would be a "wise" order to find my own way? Hmm.

And then, the best part is this...God, knowing full well what they had done, came to find them. Instantly, after eating the apple, both Adam and Eve had been filled with shame at being naked and fear of being found by God...they were hiding when God came near. But instead of accusation, God asked, "Where are you?" And as they emerged from hiding, they told him that they were ashamed. When he asked them what had happened, they blamed each other...they blamed the serpent. So God, being good and perfect and right, God the keeper of His promises...had to stand on His word. Sin, "rebellion", could not stay in His presence. They had chosen not to believe Him. They had chosen their own, their consequence was death. Death to life as they knew it...death to all they had known about their relationship with God...and eventually, physical death.

But God did not stop there. He made them clothes out of animal skins. And that means...that there was a sacrifice that was made...the sacrifice of an innocent animal. Blood was shed. Hmmm. And God covered their shame. Literally, He gave Adam and Eve clothes to cover their nakedness. He still loved them. He still cared for them. Yes, He had to be true to His word, the consequences were evident and real, but He still loved them...and still desired to have a relationship with them. God was still writing the story.

We all know that later, Jesus entered the world, to redeem all that was lost...we didn't talk about that tonight. We talked about the beginning. We talked about the fall. And here is the thing. God didn't spoon feed Adam and Eve. He didn't tell them what they had done wrong...he asked, "Where are you?" and "What did you do?" They had to come to their own realization.

God didn't want to dictate to Adam and Eve about how to love Him. He loved them fully and wholeheartedly, and I think very much wanted their love in return. But He gave them a choice. Life or death. Belief: that God was enough, or unbelief: that somehow God was holding out on them. God gave them a choice.

Because without choice, love is not love at all. And that, is the essence of the gospel, isn't it?

On a very personal level, I feel this lesson tonight.
If there is anything I can cling to, it is that God understands my longing.
God understands my desire.
He knows how it feels to leave the choice of love in someone else's hands.
Because as much as Adam and Eve had enjoyed walking with God in the cool of the day,
their ultimate love and devotion would be shown through choosing Him.
Their lack of choice, separated them from the love and protection of their loving Creator.
As my eyes are opening...I am understanding how His heart must have felt on that day.
And because the story has continued,
I am beginning to understand
how deep His longing must still be for me and for those around me...
to believe Him, to believe that He is enough, to walk with Him in the cool of the day,
to know Him for who He really is,
and to love Him without walking away.
I am beginning to understand,
the importance of the choices that I make.
the importance of choosing love over knowledge.
I am beginning to understand
that He is still redeeming my story...
because I am written into His.

Friday, January 8

Choose Your Words

Have you ever been on the receiving end of careless words? You know, the words that just can't be true, the words that had never crossed your own mind, the words that cut straight to your heart, making you want to plead with their giver to see things another way? Maybe they were words about you. Words that stripped away your worth. Words that held you captive. Words that confined you to hurtful secrets and painful memories. Words that were strong. Words that came from someone you trusted, someone you loved. And maybe they were strong enough to make you think about them twice. Maybe they were convincing enough to hold in your heart and you began to ask questions like "why?" and "how?" and "now what?".

Have you ever held onto those words long enough that you actually began to believe them? Maybe not, maybe you're one of the smart ones, one of the strong few who is able to follow the age old saying of rubber and glue and never let a negative word affect who you are. Maybe you are able to see the lie straight away and never worry about what others think. But maybe, you are the opposite. Maybe everything anyone has ever suggested or thrown your way has somehow marred you, shaped you, tossed you in a different direction, caused you to wear your heart on your sleeve. Maybe words have been a very powerful part of your life. Maybe you are still hurting and you are still unsure of who you truly are.

I think there are still some of us, who have picked up undetected words. Sure, we have been wise enough to recognize blatant slander and throw it out with the morning trash. We have been careful to stay away from those who would hurt us outright. We have been seasoned and changed enough to forgive a wrong committed against us. And while we are honest about how we feel and love and dream, we certainly do not wear our hearts on our sleeves. But what about the surprises? What about the disappointments? What about the interruptions, when we find ourselves pouring out our hearts in mid-sentence, and the someone we trusted, suddenly walks away, telling us we are not worthwhile, or lovely enough, or fill in the blank? What about the times when we asked for forgiveness and received judgment? What about the times we have asked for a second chance and told that we were undeserving? What about the times when we have loved and have received empty words and promises in return? What about the flippant statements our friends and loved ones jokingly use...about our hair, our clothing, our choices, our stature, our lot in life? Oh, it's just a joke right? We can laugh about it can't we? But do you? When you are looking yourself straight in the mirror, straight in the heart, straight in the way you are looking at your life...are those words shaping you, are they telling you who you are?

And suppose your answer yes. What have they done to you? What have those words told you about your life? Have they told you that you are not enough? Have they told you not to expect very much? Have they told you that even if you did deserve anything you might as well give it away to show that you don't need anything, don't want least you won't get least you'll look better...and then maybe, better words will come your way. People will start saying, "Hey, that person is pretty cool". They will start liking you, inviting you places, being your friend. Pretty soon, you find yourself working to be surrounded by good words, going out of your way to look good, look humble, look nice, say all the right things, do all the right things, perform, perform, perform some that...people won't see the other words. They won't see your fear of not measuring up, your fear of not being the best looking guy or girl, with the best hair and the best clothes, having the most accomplishments and best experiences. They won't see that all this time you have been running to save them and help them and care for them, you have only been after one thing...words...words to tell you that you are worth something.

But suppose you had a friend, who gave you honest words? Of course, friends can still fail you...but this friend knows that and is very up front on this matter as well as does their best to apologize right away. But suppose you had a friend who saw past all the walls you had placed around you. Suppose your friend saw your fears and said, "I love you," anyways. What would you do then? Because your fear is still there. The words are still there. The words would tell you that you didn't need such a friend. The words would tell you that you are doomed to be the worthless person you've always felt yourself to least...always, since the words were given to you so long, or not so long, ago. The words would tell you that you couldn't be that kind of friend back...not really. You wouldn't ever be enough for them would you? They might as well not expect very much of you, might as well never hope that you could love with the same freedom that this friend has been offering to you. They should probably look for a different friend. You would probably be better off on your own...or maybe with someone who didn't expect you to stop believing in your words. So, given the chance, what would you do? Who would you choose? The friend or the words? And let's call those words "fear". Because by now, you are afraid, that all of those words said about you, that you began to say about yourself, that something kept whispering in your ear....are the fears you are now fighting...the fears that keep you up at night...keep you running...keep you from who you know, that you know, that you know, that you know, you want to be deep down inside.

And deep down inside, that person, is so worthwhile. You are worthwhile. If you never picked up another tool to do your work, if you never said another word, if you rolled out bed and didn't do you hair or shave another day in your life. YOU ARE loved. You are worth loving. That's all you need to know. You were created by a God who calls himself "Love". An early mystic once wrote that we were born out of the laughter of the trinity. If you knew your worth, you wouldn't be going around looking for it anymore, trying to fit in somewhere, trying to make your way. You would only believe and rest...kind of like a child who never thinks twice about jumping into his grandparents arms and asking what gifts they have brought from their trip, like a little girl who comfortably sits in her daddy's arms and listens to a story. You would begin to forget the careless words, so carelessly thrown into your hands. You would begin to believe that you belong to a God who makes all things new, who sacrificed His own life just to be with you, who longs to be gracious to you, show you His kindness and provide for you.

I hope that you choose a friend who speaks in an honest language. I hope that you do not try fighting your fear, "the words", alone. A friend will pick up the phone thousands of miles away and cry with you when you don't have the strength to drive home. A friend will hug you every day just to make sure that you are okay. A friend will tell you that you are not too much bear, that you are worth every moment, every effort, and every penny of fighting for. A friend will pick back up where you left off, redeeming any time that was lost. A friend will be honest and tell you the truth, even when it hurts. A friend will fight for you and not give up until the battle is won. A friend will speak life when everything around you seems hopeless and confused. A friend will sit with you quietly when there are no words left to say. A friend rejoices when you have good news. A friend will stand alongside of you to see your dreams come true. A friend will still love you when you choose to walk away. A friend, who is born out God's love, will give you new words to believe in. And even if they do not know all the answers, hopefully they know "The Answer"...and His words make all the difference.

So choose your words. Choose whom you will believe. The fear or the friend? Because even the wounds of a friend are faithful, they are born of love, and hope, and faith. But the wounds of fear will separate and destroy what you have loved...keeping you in disillusion, and telling you that what you loved, that who you are, was never worth anything anyways. And if you are a child of God, deep down inside, you know....that you were meant for more than this captivity to your fear.

Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work: If one falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up! Also, if two lie down together, they will keep warm. But how can one keep warm alone?
Ecclesiastes 4:9-11

Tuesday, January 5

Pursuing Justice

"When the broken ask you to dance, you dance."
~Rob Morris, Love146

I am becoming more and more aware of human trafficking as I think we all are these days...if we are paying any sort of attention to the world around us. And tonight, I discovered this organization: Love146. The more I know, the more I want to take part in pursuing justice. If you want to learn more, read this: Modern Day Slavery.

Stories From the Field from LOVE146 on Vimeo.

Love That Brings You Home

So I'm standing there in the middle of teaching my students...going over answers to a science quiz...talking about which resources two trees are competing for...and it hit me...a picture...laughing together, cooking dinner in the kitchen, a back porch swing. It was totally unrelated to the subject matter, but enough to make me stop and pay attention. And then later this afternoon, I'm just walking down the hall after making copies for my class and all of sudden I'm surprised at my own thinking about how alive, and wanted, and at home...I still feel. And for a little while, my heart was excited, excited about going home tonight...about turning out the lights of my classroom, beating the rush hour traffic, about laughing and dancing and snuggling in close. It always meant the world to me, and it still does now.

If you have a home, and you're walking into the arms of someone you love tonight; if you have a warm dinner thankful. Forgive each other. Read between the lines. Find a way to make their hearts come alive. And rediscover what truly brought you there in the first place...rediscover why this person, why this place, drew you in and made you come alive. Many of us have forgotten, too many of us are walking away, as if we are unaware that we have been loved by a God who has never given up on us. I've heard too many disheartening stories lately. It takes courage to believe that love is more than a feeling, to believe that love can be reborn. It takes believe again, to hope for more, to trust that God can make all things new. If you're out there tonight, stuck between starting again and walking away for good, and you're wondering what to do, and you're afraid...come home...home is waiting for tell you that everything is going to be okay. It's never too late to start's never too late to ask God for a second chance. It's never too late to walk in the door...and find what you've been out there looking for all along.

If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. If I give all I possess to the poor and surrender my body to the flames, but have not love, I gain nothing.

Love is patient, love is kind.

It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.

It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.

Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.

It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

Love never fails.
1 Corinthians 13

Saturday, January 2

History in the Making...

I found this on a friend's blog tonight. Thought it would be good to share.

Friday, January 1

Thoughts and Resolutions

"I said to the man at the gate of the year,
'Give me a light that I may tread safely into the unknown.'
And he replied,
'Go out into the darkness and put your hand into the hand of God.
That shall be to you better than light and safer than a known way.' "
-M.L. Haskins

I would have to say that this is probably one of the best New Year's Eve experiences I have had in awhile. I was not alone, rather surrounded by family and by friends. I was not out trying to prove that I could be at the coolest party, or trying to dress up only to feel empty upon my return home. I was not affected by a touch of alcohol or any other substance. I was not crying or upset or experiencing any other dramatic feeling. Tonight was just simple and quiet and comforting. The hours flew by as I visited with friends and before I knew it, we were counting down with Dick Clark on television. And then we hugged and kissed each other as friends and family do, wishing everyone a Happy New Year. And I was okay. There, it only took 30 years to realize what's important on a night like tonight...simplicity, relationships, and thankfulness.

On the way home, I stopped for gas, knowing I had 40 minutes of driving and about 30 minutes until my gas light came on...not a good night for getting stranded. So, of course, I'm standing there pumping gas, when some guy walks up to me. Mind you, I just watched "Taken" 3 nights ago. Something about a strange guy acting all friendly asking why I'm out on my own kind of put me on guard. But I grew up in NY...I know how to act tough. So that's what I but purposed eye contact, brief statements, no extra information offered. He offered his hand and told me his name. We exchanged a few words and then he mentioned he didn't want to make things awkward. As he turned to leave, I reached out to shake his hand...and although I had said "Happy New Year" to all of my friends and family already tonight...saying so to this guy felt more I was offering a blessing to a stranger. I cried on the way home about it, I don't know why; and then I prayed for him. Because all I could think about was the fact that I had to be on the defense, but what I really wanted was to share the love of Christ with him. I could see the searching in his eyes. I want to find a way to reach more people like that ...and answer the unspoken questions they are asking.

As I held a brand new little one in my lap tonight and talked to his mom, she asked me how I was. I had to tell her that I don't even know how to wrap up this past year. I have hundreds of pictures but I cannot even create one Facebook picture collage. I had amazing experiences traveling, loving, learning and I really cannot hold on to very many of the memories. They are attached to something that has ceased to exist, and I feel as if I am not allowed to even rejoice in the fact that these experiences were mine to have. Everything I have built upon, made room for, and invested in seems to have either disappeared or fallen apart. Yay, Happy New Year right? (insert smile connotating a hint of sarcasm)

In a devotional I read today I was reminded that talking about the disappointments for too long would lead nowhere, but talking about God's goodness and faithfulness would begin to create an atmosphere of expectancy, an atmosphere where it possible to overcome what we are going through. So, while I do not deny the pain and questions I have been facing, I also cannot deny the love that has been revealed through all of this. I have an amazing support team...unconditional love coming from family and friends...many of whom have sacrificed time just to talk or to pray. I have a God who is chasing after me, telling me about the beauty He has created, whispering to me about the fact that He wants to bless my heart and make me come alive. We are never truly alone. And for this I am so thankful.

Before I left my parents tonight I played some songs for them...satisfying their requests was long overdue...and I could not end the year in silence. As I played, I remembered the reason that I sing... "On the other side, of these hopes that I have carried, on the other side, in the shadow of the cross, on the other side, of a broken heart and spirit, on the other side, I find You..." On the other side of 2009 may we all find that we are loved by a God who is chasing after our hearts and waiting to show us even more.

Psalm 27:13-14
I am still confident of this: I will see the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living. Wait for the LORD; be strong and take heart and wait for the LORD.