Monday, January 11

The 'I Am' Over Your 'Was'

My good friend, who happens to work right next door to me, has given me a resource this week that has brought me so much encouragement. When the battle in our minds is raging, when life seems so overwhelming, when our whole being seems to be crying out for answers and peace, it is time to surround ourselves with God's words of truth and life. I pulled out my sketchbook tonight (I have had a picture in my mind for the past two days; begging to be placed on paper) and watched a four-part series called: The 'I Am' Over Your 'Was' by Beth Moore. You can find many of her series at the link I posted...but the thing that moved me to tears tonight was Part 4. I pray that you will be as encouraged as I was. God is working...always.

This is only about a 10-15 minute clip. Fast forward about a centimeter and Beth Moore will begin speaking.

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