I have met some incredible people here in Nashville. People who do not just talk about changing the world...they live it out...one day at a time, in so many different ways. People who are not consumed by living just "The American Dream". People who are reaching beyond their comfort zones to bring relief, hope, comfort, and love to those who do not have it at all. Unselfish people. Serving people. People with stories of their own despair...turned into hope...turned into healing words and hands.
For instance, there's the Monday night homeless outreach...a group of friends who for a little more than a year now have gotten together once a week and served a meal to the homeless population downtown. It's called People Loving Nashville.
Then, there's Journey Ecclesia which I have found myself so thankful to be a part of. There are so many artists and creative people all working towards simply knowing God and expressing His love to both local and worldwide communities. Even on Sundays there will always be teams out serving somewhere...in nursing homes, local schools and businesses, visiting people who are in need of help.
I live in the Volunteer State. And this past week has been nothing short of seeing the reality of this given nickname. So many people have been out on the streets, helping neighbors, friends, and even strangers. I have heard so many stories that bring hope rather than despair. How many of us know that in our time of greatest despair, hope often comes when someone will come along side of us and help us to pick up the pieces? Here are some pictures from the flood last week.
Not to mention so many more personal experiences in this past year. There have been days recently when I am overwhelmed with the kindness of my friends and family. I have seen a community surround and bless and pray in ways that I have never seen before. I can see God in the love of people, without a word ever being spoken. I can see Him at work everywhere. It's so beautiful. I hardly have words to express my thankfulness at being able to experience such things. No wonder the Bible talks about not giving up on each other. We need each other...in the good times and especially in the bad.
The following is my new favorite blog. ---> Global Support Mission I don't know Jeremy too well, but enough to know that he is a catalyst for opening people's eyes to what is really going on in the world. He is the U.S. Programs Director for an organization called Know.Think.Act. This organization raises awareness and direct support for communities in need around the world. I have posted a video below of only one of the many stories. Enjoy. Hopefully, you too are finding ways to bless your community and bring hope to those around you. It doesn't take much...the littlest thing goes a very long way.
Deborah's Story from Global Support Mission on Vimeo.
Proverbs 11:25
A generous man will prosper; he who refreshes others will himself be refreshed.
A generous man will prosper; he who refreshes others will himself be refreshed.
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