Sunday, November 27

One more box

One more box, one more pile of school papers, and all of my wall art...and then I will officially be unpacked. You would think that a four day weekend would be enough to get Somehow, I have managed to use up every moment and yet did not find any time for lesson plans. That should be fun tomorrow morning.

But here is what I've been up to.

My class size is now 15...I don't know if I said that before. What a difference a few less students can make. The other day all of the kids were together for lunch and I thought to in the world did I handle 26 at the same time? I am thankful for the new teacher that has come in to take the class. She's already teaching ME things I didn't know about third grade and she's just starting out. I can focus more on my kids now...which is nice. As long as I can get myself organized. Prioritizing seems to be the word of the season...I keep saying that I could work 24/7 and still not have enough time to finish everything I need to.

Tonight I am sitting in my newly found bedroom listening to Christmas music. This is the first time in ...let's see....quite a few years that I have had my own room....not to mention my own bathroom, which has never happened. I feel as if I can breathe and spread out and do what I need to do. It's a very peaceful feeling in this room tonight.

Thanksgiving was nice. First time in four years that I have spent it with my parents. There is no place like home for the third graders and I have agreed to disagree on the fact that only our own "mama's" and "grandmama's" are the best cooks. My sister and I spent Friday shopping for school clothes...yes, she is planning to head to ORU in January...I'm so excited for her.

Lots of randomness this evening... :) I really do have a lot more to say. I just don't have the words or the patience to think it all out. More updates to come though.

Enjoy this holiday season. :)

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