Well, they made it. After three days of traveling Mom, Dad, and all the animals have come to their destination. I felt such a peace when they called tonight. They are where they should be.
And me? :) Well, let's just say that I am beginning to listen more and plan less....if that makes any sense at all. My own plans are beginning to rearrange and the possibilities are way more exciting. More to come...
This Jars of Clay song has been stuck in my head all weekend! Have a listen, the whole album plays through on the website.
God Will Lift Up Your HeadIn other news, I attended a bonfire last night and found myself right smack in the middle of a redneck country music video...complete with a four-wheeler, a go-cart, a karaoke machine on the back of a minivan attached to oversized speakers set out on the grass, coolers full of beer, a wet bar on the back of a truck bed, and girls and guys sportin' their straw hats. And although I know I don't necessarily fit in with that crowd of folks (I mean for real...I was holding a can of Coke), I loved being there. I love how real and raw people can be. It really got me to thinking about Jesus and how He lived His life among the people. He stood out too, but He found a way to connect. He was all about relationship. And He walked in such a way that He gained trust and was able to bring life to the people around Him.
With this fresh awareness, I agreed to make a Smore's run to Wal-Mart with A. Our conversation opened right up like it had been planned before we even got there. Working his way out of the Mormon church, A. is now experiencing life without rules and walls to keep him guarded. We talked about searching for God and about having faith without the religion. And for the first time ever, when asked about my own life, I was able to share without stumbling over Christian vocabulary. Our conversation was real and to the point and I could tell that it made a difference.
I hate what I have done in the past and the times that I have not truly sought after God. But last night, it was those times that brought a connection with A. Because he is at that point now. And I was able to tell him that even in the midst of our worst mistakes and wanderings, God is faithful. That truly God is bigger than our questions and every rule of religion that is created to make us conform. I was able to tell him that after he experiences everything he thinks he has missed, emptiness and a need for something greater will find its way to the surface of his heart. And that is truly what I believe. That is the way I came to God...not because someone told me that I needed Him, but because my heart cried out and He was the one who answered.
I knew that I could not change him. I knew that I could not make his heart long for God. I knew that all I could do was plant seeds on the fertile ground that had presented itself. Someday, when A. is ready, his heart will be drawn by the voice of the Holy Spirit and those seeds will break out of their shells and take root. And with time those seedlings will grow strong and tall and A. will be a well-watered tree in the Kingdom of God.