Monday, April 30

Long Day in the Delivery Room

Last night..look very closely and you can see the beginnings of the hatching.

Our first chick born this morning at "Chris"...we voted...other choices were Booker T. Washington, Jr. and Peep-Peep.

Second chick. No name yet. We were able to watch this one come fully out the shell as a class. It was a beautiful moment. As Daija said, "I am so happy for these chicks, Miss T.!"

With this cute little you think we got anything done today? I couldn't even concentrate and I'm the teacher. :)

One second they're up...the next they're out cold. We're expecting 3 more by the morning.


Amy said...

Congratulations to you and your class!! :)

Philip Pang said...

hey, that's nice!