So, the house stuff is coming are some furnished pics of the won't be quite as trendy when I first move in...but you'll get the picture. 1900 square feet and my own personal screened in porch upstairs!!! Closing is in 2 weeks. I am praying for favor and finances, if anyone feels so inclined to pray along. :)

Backyard view

Living room and entryway

Back porch with new glass windows

Part of the kitchen with shutter that open to the dining room

Master bedroom...see the porch?? :)

Look at living room from upstairs...notice the long curtains cover sliding glass doors that lead to the porch.
Front view.
Wow! Love it!! :)
P.S. You never said how your first gig went.
That's awesome, April!
I am SO happy for you.
I will have to come visit sometime soon.
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