Picture of the evening.

I'm coming back to the heart of worship...and it's all about you Jesus.
One of the most important things to me in life is to let people know that they are loved and accepted. I cringe at the sound and sight of someone who believes that they are not worth being loved. I want to run to them right away and tell them the truth about who they are. And although this is one of my strengths, I have recently found that it is also one of my downfalls.
What gives me the right to reject who someone is or how they live? Because if I reject them then how will they ever come to know God? How will I ever be the light that Christ has called me to be? That is the process that goes through my head every time I want to say, "no". Who knew that the desire to make the people that you love happy, could turn into hurt and regression and dishonesty.
Ughh...I have been looking at the patterns in my relationships, and I see that I have not spoken clearly about what I have felt is right or true in my own heart. Instead of trusting God's truth, I have found ways to change the subject. Instead of trusting God's promise to work all things together for good, I have taken action when actions were not needed. Instead of trusting God to speak for Himself, I have spoken when I should have been silent. Instead of trusting Him to order my steps and the steps of those around me, I have held on when I should have let go. Instead of trusting , I have spoken and related and loved on my own terms, and I have held too tightly to the role of savior.
Pleasing people will never lead them to God. I am learning this. Truly loving someone is being able to tell them "no" even when it is highly uncomfortable and you want with all of your heart to say "yes". I saw that this week and I saw people walk away. And it hurt. But I know, all of this will turn out for my good and ultimately it will turn out for their good too.
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