My roomate and I spent valentine's evening cooking dinner. While eating we began to discuss Heaven. I'm pretty convinced that I want to go there. I think about it a lot. There's a really great chapter about Heaven in
Journey of Desire. I actually sat and read this chapter to Carrie last night. This is a quote from that chapter that stuck out to me, it speaks of the way that Jesus spoke about the Kingdom of Heaven and relates His stories to the fairy tales that we have been raised with:
Maybe above all they are tales of transformation
where all creatures are revealed in the end as what they truly are -
the ugly duckling becomes a great white swan,
the frog is revealed to be a prince,
and the beautiful but wicked queen is unmasked in all her uglisness.
They are tales of transformation where the ones who live happily ever after,
as by no means everybody does in fairy tales,
are transformed into what they have it in them at their best to be.
- Telling the Truth by Frederick Buechner
Lately, during the middle of the day, I have found myself imagining places and stories...these pictures are so vivid that I long to just sit down and write about them...but usually I'm in the middle of teaching, so no can do. When I do actually write these things down, I want them to be stories that reflect such transformation as I quoted above.
Just random thoughts before I head to bed...