Today: I woke up at 10:30, called mom and dad around 1:00 and asked if I could be their tag along for the day, found my bathroom flooded at 1:05, rushed to get ready anyways, told dad about the flood when he got here, watched dad clean up my bathroom for me, ate Mexican for lunch, spilled my water at the table (what's up with the water?), saw a lot of houses for sale (mom and dad are looking), took over 100 pictures of the North Florida landscape, went grocery shopping at a different store than usual, received the benefit of having a very good looking manager offer to take my groceries to my car (after he had continuously shown up in the same parts of the store as I did), ran into the automatic door on the way out (I pick the best times to be the least coordinated), laughed at myself all the way home, talked to Jilli for awhile, cooked an artichoke for over an hour and then finally figured out it needed to be covered while cooking, and now I sit here blogging while Alan Jackson is sings old hymns on the Grand 'Ol Opry..."Tis' So Sweet to Trust in Jesus".
While we were on the road today, grandma called my cell and put grandpa on the phone. He's home from the hospital on a weekend pass and wanted to thank me for the gift I had sent him. After him being so sick, I was afraid of how he would sound, but all I heard was "Hiiiiiiii April!" ...just as chipper as he has always been. He shared with me that at first the doctors had told him that he'd be on dialysis the rest of his life. Current prognosis: he'll never need it again. Grandpa is on the mend. A month ago we didn't know if he would even make it home. In his own words, he has "received a miracle." Yes. :)

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