Monday, July 7

To Teach or Not to Teach

This is the question that hangs over my head since leaving Florida.  It is the question I am asked daily.  Will you teach when you get to Nashville?

I cannot go anywhere without talking to kids lately.  They say hello to me at the grocery store, in parking lots, in restaurants, and they seem to find me when they are lost and cannot find their parents (this happened twice this week).  Everywhere I go, it seems that kids are going out of their way to get my attention.  It's weird.  But in a way it has made me miss teaching.  I am going to miss my little classroom.  I am going to miss those little faces looking up at me every day.  I already do.

But teaching consumes my life.  It's a big job full of bureaucratic tendencies and deadlines.  It is work brought home, early mornings, late nights.  It is extra projects and money spent.  It is less time spent on the music and writing I so long to pursue.

But teaching means I can, if I so choose, leave the work day at 3pm.  It means holidays and paid vacation time.  It means time with children every day, which is one of my most favorite things in the world.  It means I still get to learn and take in the world with wonder.  It means I get at least 15 minutes of fresh air and recess per day.  It means a lot of really great things I have grown to love.

I need a lot of space and light and laughter.  I need the chance to create and to care for little ones.  I need to be able to share what I have learned.  I want to know that I have job security and health insurance and all of those basic things.

I came here to be in the songwriting community.  But in the mean time how do I survive?  Tomorrow begins a brand new day...a day where I will search for my place among the breadwinners of the city.

Help, Lord! :)  


Amy said...

I've been thinking about you and wondering how you were adjusting to life in Nashville.

I have no doubt that God will direct you down His perfect path for You.

April said...

Thank you, Amy. :)

Bethany said...

I say you come teach at my school during the week and I'll do all your planning for you so you can fly back to Nashville every weekend to write, play, and do shows...

Let me know...;o)

April said...

I say that's a great idea. :) I'm all in. When do we start? :)