Saturday, December 4

My parent's house in on the market today. This will be our last Christmas at Latta Road. I wonder what the new year will bring and where we will be. It's Saturday morning and I'm contemplating a shopping trip. Only two Saturdays left until Christmas. Two Saturdays until I'm on the long treck back to New York. My roomate just left twenty minutes ago for California...oh, for the days of college when I could go home right after finals! Everyone is heading home. I can count a bunch of close friends and acquaintances who are making permanent trips out of Tulsa. It's time for me to think about leaving too. The season is ending and I no longer want to stay in a place of memories. I keep wondering where to go. NY is not home. OK is not home. Home to me is where the people I care about most are there. But I'm not ready to follow my family to wherever they go. And without someone significant to make the decision with, the task seems larger than it should be.

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