Saturday, November 30

My Father has carried my life on a path that unfolds with more meaning than I could ever imagine. But it is not the path that I want to search for anymore. I feel it beneath my feet. I know it is there. Now, my eyes are searching for His eyes. I want to see Him, to behold His beauty.

All that I have hoped for in my short life of 23 years I have not yet fully seen. Little glimpses sometimes, but mostly my dreams remain here, waiting for a breath of life from the great Creator. They are nothing without Him. When I am about to give up, I can't help but think that giving up is the act of taking things into my own hands. So I wait here, I wait for Him to come. And soon...I will learn to overcome.

That which we long for is not far from the place where we might have given up. It is those who wait patiently who overcome. Nothing great is ever accomplished in our own strength, though we may be deceived to think so highly of ourselves. Rather, through admitting our weaknesses and confessing our shortcomings we are redeemed to a greater thing than we might have imagined. Grace becomes the strength that carries our lives, transcending all things and remaining whether or not we are aware of its presence and whether or not we agree with its great wisdom.

Today, I stand in awe of His grace.

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