Wednesday, May 11

I got pulled over by a police officer tonight, for the first time ever in my life. It wasn't as dramatic as I thought it would be. He pulled me over because of my missing headlight...."Yes, sir, I know..." Then he sat in his car for a few minutes while I prayed for the best possible outcome. I know officers are out there to help you, but they always scare me a little bit. Anyways, he served me a warning, I had to sign for it. Then he looked at me with the concern a dad would have on his face and said, "Be careful". That was nice. I drove exactly the speed limit (well almost exactly) all the way home.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

*gasp!* You got pulled OVER!?!... By a COP?!?!... well I, for one am shocked and appauled!!! What kind of example is this supposed to set for me?

-your shocked and appauled sister